Search for Internships

Monday, April 24, 2017

United Way of RI

Name of Organization: United Way of RI
Address: 50 Valley St, Providence RI 02909
Description of the overall mission of this organization: Through Live United 2020, they will strengthen the RI community through their strategic plan. They'll invest in partnerships that are tested to make sure that they work over the short-term, and are scalable over the long-term. They are changing lives and strengthening the community in lifelong learning, basic supports, and community engagement.
Ages of youth served: All ages
Name of Mentor: Elana Rosenberg Senior Project Manager, Expanded Learning Opportunities
Hours worked: 10 hrs/week Mon/Wed 10a-2p
Description of your role and duties: I was this year's STEM intern within the Community Investment Department. I  sat in on Afterschool Leadership Circle executive and membership meetings where I connected with area nonprofit and education leaders and staff from PASA, Rhode Island Dept of Education, and Connecting Children and Families to name a few. I reviewed and collected data on past mini conferences and sent out DCYF certificates for training hours. I connected with community partners and surveyed youth development professionals working in the Cranston libraries or the Center for Dynamic Learning to mention a couple to shape a framework for what became an evening STEM mini conference on Sustainable Partnerships and Inquiry Based Programming.
Description of the culture of the place: There are about 25-40 people in the office on a given day. The dress code can be business casual for interns (button down/khaki pants, polo/jeans) were my combinations of choice. The office environment is very friendly, accommodating, and you can expect to enjoy delicious lunch leftovers by the coffee station from various meetings or gatherings.
Additional Requirements: N/A
Special notes on process of getting this internship:
Other internship opportunities with this organization: working with Joseph Morra, another Senior Project Manager of Expanded Learning at Kidz Klub as well as a bit of admin if you are not into complete admin sitting in a cubicle collecting data, making phone calls, and handling emails most of your time.
What three TAGS would you use to label this internship?
#administrative #paid #behind the scenes youth work
Your name: Cody Reidl
Your cohort: 4
Your email address if others can contact you: cjreidl45 at

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