Search for Internships

Wednesday, April 22, 2015

Boys & Girls Club of Providence

Name of Organization: Boys & Girls Club of Providence ( )
Address: 550 Branch Avenue Providence, RI 02904
Description of the overall mission of this organization: To enable and inspire children and youth, especially those from diverse or difficult circumstances, to reach their full potential as productive, responsible, and healthy members of their community, the State of Rhode Island, and the nation.”
Ages of youth served: 5-12 years old
Name of Mentor: Kris Leveille (401) 444-0762
Hours worked: (number, days, times) I worked 3 days a week, 4 hours a day, for a total 12 hours a week.
Times available 2-6PM, Monday-Friday, Closed holidays & hours change during school vacations.
Description of your role and duties:  My job was hands-on working with the kids in the games room and helping the kids with their homework.
Description of the culture of the place (how many people in the office, dress code, communication style): The culture of this club is very welcoming. There are 10 staff members who are open and willing to help and answer any questions you have. The dress code is casual, jeans and a tee-shirt is fine.
Special notes on process of getting this internship: There are six total Boys & Girls clubs in Providence so you may be able to intern at any club. I first contacted Mike Scarpetti at (401) 443-4931, who is the Senior Program Manager and Director of Outreach Services. He will first want to meet with you to make sure that you are a good fit for the organization. After that you will get a packet full of paperwork to fill out which includes getting a background check. It took me about a month to start my internship process due to all the paperwork and background checks, so plan accordingly!
Other internship opportunities with this organization: If you are interested in sports or have a fun curriculum in mind that you like to do with youth 5-12 years old Kris is open and will be working to work with you to accomplish want you like to do.

What three TAGS would you use to label this internship? After school, Elementary, Sports, Hands-on

Your name: Raquel Ventura
Your cohort: 2
Your email address if others can contact you:

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