Search for Internships

Monday, May 6, 2019

Bayside Family YMCA

Name of Organization: Bayside Family YMCA

Address: 70 West Street, Barrington RI 02806

Description of the overall mission of this organization: Promoting Healthy Mind, Body, and Spirit through the core values of Caring, Honesty, Respect, and Responsibility

Ages of youth served: K-3

Name of Mentor: Jocie Letoile

Hours worked: Tuesday 8:30-2:00, Fridays 8:30-2:00

Description of your role and duties:Staffing, Prepping after school site for the day, writing curriculum, filing paperwork, community outreach, facilitation of classes

Description of the culture of the place: In the YMCA, there are 8 managerial staff including my mentor. The dress was either uniform or business casual. I always had to wear a nametag. The environment was a very open place, the office doors were always open and everyone gets a change to know one another because people are always coming in and out of the offices. 

What three TAGS would you use to label this internship?
administrative, afterschool, curriculum

Your name: Lilli Carriere
Your cohort: 6
Your email address if others can contact you:

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