Search for Internships

Wednesday, May 1, 2019

RIC CoExist

Name of Organization: RIC CoExist
Address: RIC
Description of the overall mission of this organization: Peer Education Team --Sexual health and advocacy leaders on the RIC campus by supporting student access to health information, sex positivity, and provide opportunities for RIC community to join together in inclusive and informed practice. Also, provide academic programming in the surrounding communities.  
Ages of youth served: High schoolers and college students
Name of Mentor: Lisa
Hours worked: (number, days, times): Varies -- CF Sex Ed. Tuesday, testing days
Description of your role and duties: (include administrative or hands-on or both): Creating lesson plans about HIV/AIDS, STIs, stigmas, and prevention.
Description of the culture of the place (how many people in the office, dress code, communication style): Professional when going to teach sex ed. at different schools. Communication is at weekly meetings in person and/or through phone calls.
Additional Requirements: (travel, etc) Travel to CF school and other schools for sex ed. classes.
Special notes on the process of getting this internship: Interview

What three TAGS would you use to label this internship? #SexEd #PeerEducator #Awarness
Your name: Sandrith Perez
Your cohort: 6

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