Search for Internships

Thursday, April 28, 2016

Newman YMCA's Shooting Stars School of Dance

Name of Organization: Newman YMCA’s Shooting Stars School of Dance
Street Address: 600 Taunton Avenue, Seekonk, MA 02771
Name of Primary Mentor/Contact Person: Beatrice Hartling
Phone: N/A
Email Address:
How do you prefer to be contacted? Email
Description of the overall mission of this organization: “Newman YMCA’s Shooting Stars School of Dance was designed to teach children to dance with the values of the YMCA in mind.  The focus of this program is to help children build confidence, establish good dance technique, and maintain a healthy lifestyle through physical movement, while focusing on the YMCA values: respect, responsibility, caring and honesty.” (
Ages of youth served: 18 months to 18 years
Hours of internship: (number of hours, days, times): 180 hours, flexible days and time
Description of role and duties: (include administrative or hands-on or both): I worked with my mentor to plan and organize various fundraisers throughout the course of the year.  My duties were mainly administrative in nature.  I did a lot of behind the scenes work for each fundraiser.  The only hands-on parts of my internship were running Parent Committee meetings and attending the different fundraisers I had coordinated.  
Paid or unpaid: Unpaid
Description of the culture of the place (how many people in the office, dress code, communication style): I communicated with my mentor primarily through text and email.  We had many informal meetings as well.
Additional Requirements: (travel, etc) I used my car to travel to and from fundraising events.  
Special notes on process of getting this internship: I have worked with this program since it started in 2009.
Other information: N/A

What three TAGS would you use to label this internship? dance, fundraising, YMCA

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